Saturday 13 September 2014

Moves to sculpt and tone your Tush!

Get ready to look sexier in those short skirts and skinny jeans!  These moves targets all the muscles in your glutes to give you a more toner butt in the comfort of your own home or at the gym just with a few workout equipment!!
1. Barbell Deadlift
You need a barbell for this workout or a curl bar which is what I'm using.  To do this you need to bed down and lift your barbell , bending down again in a movement to place the barbell down and right before the barbell touches the ground, lift it right up again.  This movement targets your glutes as well as your thighs.
2. Squats 
To complete this workout you also need a barbell or a curl bar.  Using a weight stimulates your muscles more rather then just doing it with no weight at all.  Place the barbell or curl bar on top of your shoulders at the back and bend down keeping your back straight and butt out. 

3. Donkey Kicks
This workout helps with giving your butt a lift and also stretches your lower core which helps burn fat in that area.  To achieve this move you have to go down on the floor in a "crawl" positing with your knees and hands touching the floor and then lifting up your leg bending it, go as high as you can and do it for 15reps on each leg.

4. Swiss ball hip raise and leg curl
Lie face up, place your legs and on the ball.  Push up your hips then pull your heels towards you and roll the ball as close as you can towards your butt.  Reverse the motion by rolling back and lower your self back to the floor.

Get going and tone up! 

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